Contests are open to the general public, and they are great to attend to watch the talent in your area. Click on the appropriate link for the area you’d like to attend.
Area 1 (Quebec. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia. Newfoundland, Labrador, and Prince Edward Island)
Area 2 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont (and Montreal City Voices chapter))
Area 3 (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia)
Area 4 (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin (and California Note Catchers chapter))
Area 5 (Ontario)
Area 6 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee)
AC&C Dates
Entry Deadline
Late Entry Cutoff
April 10-13
February 10
March 11
April 24-27
February 26
March 26
May 2-4
March 3
April 2
May 23-25
March 24
April 23
June 5-8
April 7
May 7
June 12-15
April 14
May 14
Harmony Fest West
July 10-13
May 12 | June 10 |
June 4-7
June 3-6
April 23-26
April 22-25
May 1-3
April 30 - May 2
June 11-14
June 10-13
May 22-24
May 28-30
April 17-19
April 16-18
*The IBOD has approved a change of date for the 2025 Area 6 Convention & Contests due to a problem with the original venue.
** Dates are subject to change.
General Schedule
Area 1: 1st Saturday in June
Area 2: 4th Saturday in April
Area 3: 1st Saturday in May (unless it falls on Mother’s Day weekend, then the previous Saturday)
Area 4: 2nd Saturday in June
Area 5: Saturday following Victoria Day
Area 6: 3rd Saturday in April (unless it falls on Easter weekend, then 1st Saturday in April)