Harmony, Inc. offers its chapters and quartets the opportunity to compete annually in the spring at Area Conventions & Contests held geographically throughout the organization. Participation in the contest is strictly voluntary.
Following each contest, all contestants get direct feedback on their performance skills through Evaluations, at which time they meet individually with those who have judged their contest performance. Competing at the Area level is also the means by which contestants earn the right to compete at the annual International Convention held in the fall. Entrance into any Harmony, Inc. contest requires completion of a Contest Entry Form.
The International Contest & Judging Committee is responsible for establishing procedures for and supervising the conduct of all Harmony, Inc. Quartet and Chorus Contests. This committee is led by the International Contest & Judging Chair (ICJC). Working with, and appointed by her for a two-year term are the Assistant Contest & Judging Chair, Category Specialists in each of the four judging categories, the Training Coordinator, and the Secretary/Handbook Chair. This committee meets semi-annually.
Also working with the ICJ Committee are the Area Contest & Judging Chairs. The ACJCs, one per Area, are appointed by the ICJC and serve as assistants to the ICJ Committee. Each is directly responsible for supervising the Area Contest in her Area. She serves as a liaison between the Area Convention Team and the Contest & Judging system to assure adherence to the Contest Rules of Harmony, Inc.
All Harmony, Inc. contests are governed by the Official Harmony, Inc. Contest Rules. These rules are reviewed periodically by the ICJ Committee and changes to the rules must be approved by the International Board of Directors.
The ICJ Chair is responsible for the appointment of all judging panels for International and Area contests. Those judging our contests are Certified Judges from within the ranks of Harmony, Inc. and the Barbershop Harmony Society. Area Contest judging panels consist of 2 Certified Judges in each of the categories of Musicality, Performance, and Singing, functioning under the on-site authority of Certified Administrative Judges. International Contests are adjudicated by judging panels consisting of 3 judges in each scoring category.
Harmony, Inc. members can access the Contest & Judging Handbook to find out more about the judging categories and how to become a certified judge. Not a member yet? Click here to find out how to join today.
Harmony, Inc., like its counterpart the Barbershop Harmony Society, trains and certifies judges in 4 categories: Musicality, Performance, Singing, and Administrative Judges. Formal training is held annually in January at Category Training School, but informal training is ongoing, through the Category Specialists. Certification, requiring many years of training, is granted only after a candidate has demonstrated the skills necessary to consistently score and evaluate contest performances within the Harmony, Inc. guidelines. Those interested in learning more about entering the judges training program should contact the Training Coordinator.
Choosing the right song for your ensemble can be a challenge. If you have questions about the suitability of a song, please contact the Musicality Category Specialist.
All other questions about the Contest & Judging system of Harmony, Inc. should be addressed to the International Contest & Judging Chairman.