Chord Spinners

Chord Spinners

We Aim For F.A.M.E

St. Jacobs, Ontario
Area 5

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Chord Spinners is a friendly, welcoming women's a cappella chorus committed to developing our musicianship and sharing the joy of entertainment with each other, the community and Harmony Inc.

We Aim For F.A.M.E


A welcoming, inclusive and supporting chorus gathering weekly in a safe and fun environment.


Honouring our commitments and taking responsibility for our active participation in chorus life.


Committed to the ongoing development of our musical skills.


Excited to share our enjoyment of music, sung in a cappella, four part harmony.

Chapter: Chord Spinners Chapter of HI
Area: Area5
Music Director: Mikayla Schmidt
Rehearsal day and time: Mondays, 7:00 p.m.
Rehearsal venue: St. James Lutheran Church
1407 King Street North
St. Jacobs, ON

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