Quartet Corner: Introducing FOUR new quartets! |
Introducing FOUR of NINE new HI quartets!
By Jessica Jones, Quartet Development Coordinator
Let’s give a warm, Harmony, Inc. welcome to four of our newest quartets: Four Shore, In Sync, Replay, and SHADES!
Four Shore joins us from Area 1 in Nova Scotia. Jennifer Green, Terra Lee Kelly, Jackie Barkhouse, and Suzanne Rudolf are all members of Seaside A Cappella. They enjoyed summer rehearsals on Mahone Bay at Jennifer’s house and are safely gathering inside now.
In March 2021, three members were in another developing quartet but the fourth had taken a step back as she was expecting a baby. The remaining members wanted to prepare a special song for the birth and needed a fourth singer, so they looked to their chorus mates in Seaside A Cappella. Recently, they presented Billy Joel’s Lullabye (Goodnight My Angel) for the new family and the baby slept the best she ever had! In learning the song, they discovered their voices blended well and they enjoyed singing together, so decided to become an official quartet.
Creating a new name for their quartet was hard (we can all relate, right?), says Terra Lee. They wanted something that resonated with them, was light-hearted, related to where they lived, and referred to their chorus. They formed lists upon lists of words relating to music and the shore but just couldn’t find one they loved. Suzanne, Four Shore’s bass, mentioned the issue to her friends one night and by morning, a friend sent a text saying, “I’ve got it! Four Shore!” They loved it. It’s also a common local expression they often use themselves when agreeing upon a comment or observation during rehearsal, so it fit perfectly!
They’re now starting to expand their repertoire in preparation for potential performances. COVID-19 restrictions hinder their opportunities, but they look forward to having more audiences to “work out the nerves” and had their first coaching session in November. Competition may be on the horizon for this foursome, so be on the lookout for them at Area 1’s AC&C!
Welcome Debbie Thistle, Krista Pickens, Sue Pelley, and the “awesome tenor” Pam Ringo, of In Sync. Pam is no stranger to Harmony, Inc. as she serves as Coastal Voices Chorus Director in Area 6, HI Web Manager, and Area 6 Quartet Promotion Chair. Phew! She has been encouraging her quartet mates, who have been part of Sweet Adelines International for more than 10 years, to consider joining Harmony, Inc. Because of Pam’s commitment and monthly travel to Louisville for rehearsals – and because they all love her dearly! – they made the decision to become official with the organization she thoroughly loves.
Once they decided they loved singing together, they spent hours going over hundreds of names. They even looked at racing horse names, to no avail. Finally, “In Sync” popped into their collective brains and, as they say, the rest is history! Their original formation took a few twists and turns through the years. When Pam moved to Florida, they reformed with a new tenor, Debbie’s daughter, giving them ability to compete for a year with her. Then, the pandemic arrived, and they took a step back from everything. With two small children, Pam’s tenor replacement found it difficult to continue, so they put everything on hold – but never gave their name up! In early 2021, Pam reached out to the group about singing again and made a commitment to fly to Louisville regularly to reunite and rehearse. They were overjoyed and have loved being back together!
Local performances are challenging as a long-distance quartet, but they do plan to compete. As a very goal-oriented quartet, they love the process of preparing for competition and will continue their virtual, in-person, and trio rehearsals. Spreading from Avon, IN (Debbie, lead), Noblesville, IN (Sue, bass), Lousiville, KY (Krista, baritone), and Fort Myers, FL (Pam, tenor), this fearless foursome is ready to sing for us in Area 6 next year!
Area 6’s Panama City A Cappella chorus welcomes their newest quartet, Shades!
Tenor Peg Jaros, lead Lynne MacKinnon, and bass Barbara Mauldin lacked a baritone to start a quartet, but when Anne Collier joined the chorus as a bass, she changed to baritone and, voila! Shades! was born. Anne’s previous baritone quartet experience made her a perfect fit for the group and they recently auditioned in front of their chorus (no pressure, right?!) They rehearse weekly and look forward to local performances and future competition.
Look for the gals in shades next November 2022!
These longtime barbershop singers and friends for over 24 years are officially welcomed to Harmony, Inc. as Replay quartet. Representing our Expansion Area as Associates, Joan Ross, baritone; Dana Carter, bass; Shelley Varallo, tenor; and Cindy Carter, lead, were once grouped a bit differently.
Shelley and Dana formerly sang over 20 years ago in Executive Sweets, a Sweet Adelines quartet, and Cindy, Dana, and Joan sang together in HI’s BorderLine for over 10 years. Singing together again is truly a replay of their previous experiences! These “old friends” are happily reunited to sing again and are rehearsing in person every other Sunday for the time being. They’ll be gearing up for Area 4’s AC&C next year. Welcome back, Replay!
President's Message: "Different" year produces advances |
'Different' year produces advances
By Linda Brehaut, International President
The calendar year is ending and with that often comes a time of reflection. It's a time to look back at the year and review the details one last time while at the same time looking forward and envisioning what the new year will bring.
While this has been a “different” year for Harmony, Inc. much has been accomplished. The change of focus necessary under pandemic restrictions gave us a chance to document all the work of committees and teams that has been going on in the background. It has been truly monumental! The International Board considered many topics at the Oct 29-31 annual meeting, making a myriad of decisions. Those in attendance at the opening ceremonies at our Virtual Convention may have heard me share the details but I expect by now you have forgotten 98% of them! Not to worry…the minutes from our annual meeting will be posted soon to our website and you can read the details of what the Board discussed there. You will also have an opportunity to read reports that were submitted along with our “2021-A year in review” so that you can read it at your leisure.
Thank you, Convention Team
I cannot thank the Convention Team enough for once again thinking creatively to put together an amazing Virtual Convention. While the Convention Team may have led the project, there was a team of wonderful volunteers that supported them and helped to make our second Virtual Convention a success. On behalf of the membership of Harmony, Inc., "Thank you!"
In-person events approved
As you have all heard by now, the IBOD has approved moving forward with in-person events and we have implemented a COVID-19 Protocol Task Force to help coordinate just exactly what those events will look like. The global, national, state, and provincial situations change quickly, and Harmony will be prepared to adapt as well. The incredibly difficult part of this is that we know that we cannot meet everyone’s needs at this time. All we really want is to be able to come together and sing! Celebrate harmony on and off the risers! For a small percentage of our membership, the time is not right just yet and they might have to wait another year before we can have everyone together. Fingers crossed that 2022 will bring favorable changes to 2021’s challenges! In the meantime, we will do what we can while continuing to think outside the box to address concerns and issues as they are presented.
(I must admit – I am getting tired of always thinking outside that box! I am wishing it would go where the crystal ball is and we wouldn’t need either of them! I am missing “the old routine".)
Thank you to those of you that have shared your concerns and your gratitude regarding in-person events. We hear you. I am particularly grateful for the little nuggets or ideas that have come from some of these messages – thank you for looking for practical solutions in the midst of your own personal frustration.
Mantra for this month must be, "Constructive in our work for Harmony, Incorporated!"
Area Contest dates
Area 1: June 2-5, 2022
Area 2: April 21-24, 2022
Area 3: April 29-May 1, 2022
Area 4: June 10-12, 2022
Area 5: May 27-29, 2022
Area 6: March 31-April 3, 2022
Editor's Note: Last month Charisse Steffy requested that for the convenience of members like her we run a block listing future AC&C dates as they are finalized. So, here they are, Charisse! By the way, our HI website is a marvelous resource for information. These same dates may be found at https://www.harmonyinc.org/accs/. I recommend a visit! While you're at it, you might like to visit the HI Facebook page to see what's cookin' in our Harmony world. Your Communications and Marketing Team is dedicated to supporting the mission of empowering all women through education, friendship, and singing.
Oh, one more thing. Do YOU have a question, request, or idea for the HI Note? Get results fast: email mailto:editor@harmonyinc.org!
Lifting spirits and inspiring chapter leaders |
Lifting spirits and inspiring chapter leaders
By Anne Bureau, Chorus Director Development Coordinator
Greetings friends!
As we dive deeper into the Holiday Season, I reflect on our past year together and I am thankful for all who have stayed in contact with your chapter members, thankful for bringing your singers back together, and thankful for making it a safe environment to assemble, learn, have fun, and ring chords.
I am also thankful for all who attended our Leadership Round Table sessions. Your presence, contributions, questions, thoughts, and courteousness made a positive impact and changed the lives of other leaders, struggling with the question, “and now what - where do we go from here!”
We will resume our Leadership Round Table meetings in the new year. We’ll keep lifting spirits and inspiring chapter leaders to help them build safe, vibrant, strong, and empowering singing environments once again for all women singers in their community.
Have a Joyous and Blessed Holiday Season. Bring in the New Year dancing and singing like it’s no one’s business!
If you have any questions or comments or would like to share something with our leadership, please write to me.
'Tis the season for giving |
'Tis the season for giving
By Gaye LaCasce, Executive Vice-President
As 2021 comes to an end, many people are making charitable year-end donations to qualified nonprofits, choosing one (or more) that reflect a mission meaningful to them. This year, as your singing organization is emerging from the pandemic, please consider making a gift in support of Harmony, Inc. Your donation to Harmony can be designated for a specific purpose – from youth and education to the Directors First, and many other options! Visit https://www.harmonyinc.org/donate.
If you are a U.S. resident who is over age 70½ and has an IRA, you can take your required minimum distribution while avoiding income taxes - donate the distribution in part or in whole directly to Harmony Inc! Visit https://www.harmonyinc.org/donate for more information or contact your financial advisor.
Canadian friends, Sing Canada Harmony provides your opportunity to make a tax-advantaged gift which will benefit Harmony, Inc. Our members and chapters are grateful for the on-going generosity and support of Sing Canada Harmony – visit them at https://singcanadaharmony.ca.
2021 Delegates/Associates Meeting |
2021 Delegates/Associates Meeting
By Debbie Parmerter, International Parliamentarian
The 2021 Delegates/Associates Meeting is in the books. Minutes will be posted on the Harmony website.
This year, we had a record number of attendees at 93! There were 59 chapters represented, and 20 of our Associates present, along with members of the International Board of Directors.
This meeting is a great way for our Chapter Presidents and Associate members to interact with our board and ask those burning questions.
Plan to attend the 2022 meeting, maybe we can beat our record of 93 members attending!
International Board of Director Elections |
International Board of Director Elections
In the past, the December HI Note would be calling for International Board of Director nominations. After listening to concerns from the membership on the timing of this, the IBOD has approved changes to the election process.
The nomination process for four (4) Board Directors and Area 1, 3 and 5 Directors will start in February 2022. This will allow our members to catch their breath after IC&C and enjoy the holidays without the pressure of getting nominations/applications submitted.
Submissions must be completed by May 1, 2022.
More information will be available in future HI Notes.
We hope everyone has a safe, healthy, and enjoyable holiday season!
Sandra Dunlop, Elections Committee Chair
Stacy Hugman, Canadian Teller
Lindsay Chartier, U.S. Teller
Association of Harmony Queens Travel Fund increases support for chapter events
The Association of Harmony Queens has recently revised the guidelines and expanded the criteria and limits for assistance to bring a Queens quartet to a Chapter or Area Event. Eligible events will qualify for up to $1,500 US to cover actual travel and accommodation costs. Eligible events include:
* Chapter shows
* Chapter-sponsored youth events
* Area Educational Events
* Area-sponsored youth events
Please see Queens Travel Fund for details and rules applying to youth events and the link to the application form. Plan now for your next event - funds will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. Questions: Contact AHQ Travel Fund Chair Judi Johnston.
Condolences from the Membership
- To Newfound Sound (Area 1) on the death of founding member Ruth Magill in October 2021.
- To California NoteCatchers (Area 4) on the death of dear friend and former member Patsy Roeder.
- To Wendy Montroy (Nickel City Sound, Area 5) on the death of her mother-in-law, Victoria Montroy.
For Love of Harmony
Your donations to the For Love of Harmony program enable you to identify individuals or groups to receive special recognition, while at the same time, provide a monetary gift to Harmony, Inc.
❤Newfound Sound in memory of Ruth Magill. Ruth lived by the Harmony Creed. She was a founding member of NFS. She sang from her heart, and singing kept her young, Ruth was radiant on the concert stage at age 91. She will be remembered fondly by all her singing sisters.
❤Harmony Heritage in memory of David Gunasti, husband of Chapter Member Sharon Gunasti.
❤Atlanta Harmony Celebration! In memory of Shirley McCormack
Deadlines approaching!
DECEMBER 31: Deadline for Youth Joining Youth free dues program
JANUARY 31, 2022: Honorary Membership nomination forms due
MAY 1, 2022: Applications/nominations for International Board of Directors due
The next issue of the HI Note comes to your inbox December 20. What would YOU like to read about in that issue? Share your thoughts with editor@harmonyinc.org by December 13.
Copyright © 2021 Harmony, Inc., All rights reserved.